Burrata And Chards Ravioli With Creamed Pea And Basil

  • 10
  • Easy

Burrata And Chards Ravioli With Creamed Pea And Basil

  • 10
  • Easy
Burrata And Chards Ravioli With Creamed Pea And Basil


  • 1 packet of Burrata And Chards Ravioli
  • 100 g frozen peas
  • 40 g salted ricotta
  • 30 ml extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Basil to taste


Blanch the frozen peas in a pot of hot water. When ready, transfer to a blender with olive oil, salt and basil. Mix together. 

Cook the ravioli, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the ravioli with the creamed peas and dust on top with the salted ricotta.  


- +
  • 1 packet of Burrata And Chards Ravioli
  • 100 g frozen peas
  • 40 g salted ricotta
  • 30 ml extra-virgin olive oil
  • - Salt to taste
  • - Basil to taste


Blanch the frozen peas in a pot of hot water. When ready, transfer to a blender with olive oil, salt and basil. Mix together. 

Cook the ravioli, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the ravioli with the creamed peas and dust on top with the salted ricotta.