Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Rosemary Sautéed Mushrooms

  • 10
  • Easy

Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Rosemary Sautéed Mushrooms

  • 10
  • Easy
Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Rosemary Sautéed Mushrooms


  • 1 packet of Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli
  • 100 g mixed mushrooms
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Rosemary to taste
  • Extra-virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the oil with the rosemary in a pan, add the chopped mushrooms, sprinkle on some salt and cook. 

Cook the Ravioli in a separate pot, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the pasta with the mushrooms on top. 


- +
  • 1 packet of Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli
  • 100 g mixed mushrooms
  • 1 garlic clove
  • - Rosemary to taste
  • - Extra-virgin olive oil to taste
  • - Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the oil with the rosemary in a pan, add the chopped mushrooms, sprinkle on some salt and cook. 

Cook the Ravioli in a separate pot, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the pasta with the mushrooms on top.